The absolute best way to save money on your auto insurance policy is to compare the different quotes that you will get from the auto insurance comparison web site you used while shopping for automobile insurance. If you have never used one of these before then you are in for a treat.
There are hundreds of web sites out there that are dedicated to delivering online auto insurance quotes to you. Many of them will offer multiple quotes from multiple companies as well. These web sites will have you fill answer some questions. The web site then sends the answers to various auto insurance companies and they return a quote to you.
The only thing to remember is to fill out the answers on the auto quote comparison page as accurately as possible. By doing so you will ensure that you get the lowest car insurance quote that you qualify for.
The comparison web sites should be the first stop for anyone shopping for auto insurance. Some companies will offer you a better deal than others and these are the companies you should concentrate on the most.
Of course price should not be your only consideration when deciding on which automobile insurance company to buy your policy from. The other things to take into account are their customer service rating and what, if any discounts, you may qualify for.
Automobile insurance discounts are available from a number of surprising places. For instance many alumni associations and professional organizations offer discounts on auto insurance.
After you take all of the factors into account you should be well on your way to making a choice about which car insurance company you are leaning toward. Saving money is a great motivator that should have you using every tool at your disposal. This is why auto insurance comparison tools are an important part of your search for an inexpensive auto insurance policy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What to Look for in an Auto Insurance Company
Choosing an auto insurance company is a decision that can either save you, or cost you, several hundred dollars per year. You would think that finding a car insurance company would not be too difficult.
After all how different can they be? It turns out they can be very different as many drivers would be happy to attest.
The automobile insurance company you choose should have competitive rates, responsive customer service, and an efficient claims process. Finding this information is easier than it has ever been due to the wealth of information that exists on the Internet.
Finding this information online can be done by most people fairly easily. It is easy enough to find the price for auto insurance from each company by visiting an automobile quote web site. The prices will be displayed in a few minutes after answering a few questions.
The level of customer service is also easy enough to gauge just by making a few simple phone calls. By calling a prospective auto insurance claims department you will get a good feel for how the company does business. Feel free to ask them any questions you may have. After speaking to each company you will have a very good idea on what you can expect from the company after you purchase a policy.
The last piece of information can be a little bit harder to find, but it is definitely out there and worth finding. The claims process is the hardest thing most people will do with their insurance company. If the process goes smoothly and the car is repaired quickly you will be very satisfied, but if there is a problem it will sour your experience with the auto insurance company that you do business with.
As you can see shopping for auto insurance can be a difficult process. By using the above mentioned tips you will save the most money and have the most peace of mind after purchasing your auto insurance policy.
What Should You Look Out For When Getting Teen Auto Insurance?
Labels: What Should You Look Out For When Getting Teen Auto Insurance?
There are many things you should think about when you are purchasing teen auto insurance. Many things you should think about are paying annually, the type of car your teen is driving, adding a named driver, and more.
Finding cheap auto insurance can be difficult. So your teenager finally got their driver’s license and you now need to find them good insurance. There is a Pass Plus exam that is offered right now. The Pass Plus is an intensive driver’s training course that is aimed at teens and new drivers becoming better drivers. When a teenager passes this exam you will automatically receive a 35% discount on your auto insurance. This is a big deal because teenagers are very expensive to put on your insurance.
The car your teenager drives will make a big difference to what your premiums are for them also. You can find the lists on the Internet which cars are the most expensive to insure and which cars are the cheapest to insure. If the car is not on the highest stolen list then it will be cheaper to insure for your teen. The theory is that the cheaper the car is then the cheaper the teen auto insurance will be.
Although you are looking for cheap auto insurance you also need to realize you must have the appropriate coverage for your child. Statistics show that teenagers have more accidents than adults because they have less experience driving. This is a proven fact. If your child is in an accident you should be sure that your insurance will cover the damages your teen may have done to the other vehicle. You don’t want to have an insurance claim that you cannot afford to pay and your insurance didn’t cover. Be sure of all of the coverage you have opted for your child. Don’t be looking for only the cheapest because this might put you in a bad position.
If you have a teenage daughter then you are in a little bit of luck. It is proven that girls and women get in less accidents then teenage boys and men. Because of this statistic, females are cheaper to insure. However, just because of the gender doesn’t mean that the insurance will remain at a low rate.
Maintaining a low auto insurance rate for your teenager also means that they are driving without being pulled over for traffic violations. The first ticket is usually a freebie and your teenager will be sent to defensive driving school. That is of course if the violation is something simple like speeding. Your rates will begin to drop every six months as your child drives without any tickets on their license. If your teenager begins to get tickets and pulled over then your insurance rates will begin to increase and you may not be able to afford to insure them.
When you are looking for cheap auto insurance for your teenager you need to think about many things. Consider the type of car your teenager will be driving and be sure your teenager is driving responsibly not getting pulled over.
What Should You Look Out For When Getting Cheap Auto Insurance?
Labels: What Should You Look Out For When Getting Cheap Auto Insurance?
When shopping for auto insurance, it is important that you seek out the best deals for your money. Many are under the impression that car insurance rates are determined by the overall quality of the automobile insurance that is provided.
However, there are many companies out there that offer cheap auto insurance and offer quality benefits, and services. Here, you will be introduced to a few things that you should look out for when it comes to getting cheap auto insurance. Whether you are shopping for rates that will cover a used vehicle, or a new one, these helpful techniques will assist you in your endeavor.
One of the very first things that you should do when searching for the cheapest auto insurance rates is to make a personal commitment to shop and compare. It is important to not just compare the prices of the coverage that is offered by various insurance companies. It is equally important to compare the services and the benefits that are associated with the coverage itself. Many times, you may find that a higher costing insurance coverage may not offer as many benefits to you as a low costing insurance can, or vice versa. However, if you take the time to shop and compare every aspect of the coverage, you are sure to find out some things that catch your interest.
The next thing that you should look out for when it comes to shopping for car insurance is discounts. Yes, many car insurance companies advertise discounts for safe drivers, and similar discounts but did you know that many companies have discounts available that they do not advertise? When calling about your potentially new policy in car insurance, you should ask about discounts, like:
• For keeping your car in a locked yard
• Keeping your vehicle in a garage
• Safe driving discounts
• Driving course discounts
• Discounts for military personnel
• Senior Citizen discounts
• And, similar discounts!
You will probably discover that you qualify for more discounts than you ever imagined. However, you must understand that most auto insurance companies will not advertise these discounts. It is important that you inquire about these when you call to establish your rates for coverage with that particular company.
There are many features that can add additional discounts to your auto insurance policy. When inquiring about and seeking out cheap insurance plans, you should research these features to determine if any of them qualify you for additional discounts. You will be surprised to find that items such as certain brake systems, and airbags can prove to be beneficial when it comes to lowering the cost of your insurance.
In conclusion, there are many different things that you should look for when it comes to your car insurance. The items mentioned throughout this guide can lead you to save hundreds on your car insurance each year. If you are looking to obtain cheap car insurance, you must know and understand the basics behind the prices that are charged for car insurance.